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Yeast One-Hybrid (Y1H) Point-to-Point Verification Service

Gene transcription is actually the result of the interaction between transcriptional regulatory factors and various cis-acting elements in the promoter region. This combination is as specific as protein-protein interaction. This is the basis for studying the interaction between DNA sequences (cis-acting elements) and proteins. The final result of the yeast one-hybrid point-to-point is to determine whether there is an interaction between the candidate DNA-protein.

Its principle is very simple. The haploid MATa-type yeast Y2HGold and the haploid MATα-type yeast Y187 can hybridize to form a diploid yeast, which contains both the pGBKT7-Bait plasmid and the pGADT9-Prey plasmid. When Bait interacts with Prey, it will activate the reporter genes (ADE2, HIS3, AUR1-C, MEL1) downstream of Gal4 in the system. Then, yeast can grow on the auxotrophic medium (-Ade/-His) and the medium containing AbA, and express α-galactosidase at the same time, so that the X-α-Gal chromogenic substrate turns blue. In the experimental control group, p53 interacts with T, which is the positive control group; Lam does not interact with T, which is the negative control group.

Service introduction

Creative BioMart provides yeast one-hybrid (Y1H) point-to-point verification service to help you achieve research goals successfully.

Experimental steps

  • Prepare yeast competent cells.
  • Transformation verification.
  • Co-transformation of yeast strain Y187 with pGADT7 and pHIS2

  • Point-to-point verification.
  • 1) Culture on the corresponding verification plate.
    2) Drip X-α-Gal working solution on the lawn that needs X-α-Gal color development and observe the color development.

Material requirements

Yeast One-Hybrid (Y1H) Point-to-Point Verification Service
  • Plasmids for pHis2-Bait / pAbAi-Bait and AD-prey
  • Gene sequence of Bait and Prey protein
  • Yeast one hybrid expression vector

Delivery result

  • Detailed and complete experiment report
  • Clear experiment pictures
  • Positive bacteria

Project cycle

A standard yeast one-hybrid (Y1H) point-to-point verification service process takes about 15 working days.

Service process

Please let us know the details of your yeast hybridization related projects through online consultation. We will reply to you in time and provide you with a comprehensive evaluation report on your project, including the feasibility evaluation of the project and the detailed experimental plan designed by our professionals. As our condition optimization is completed, the result report and other final products will be delivered to you immediately.

Yeast One-Hybrid (Y1H) Point-to-Point Verification Service Process -Creative BioMart

Creative BioMart has accumulated many years of experience in the field of yeast research, helping our customers accelerate research in all fields using yeast as a research tool, and improve the overall success rate of the project. Please tell us your project requirements, and we will provide you with a full service from strategy design to final report. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.