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Yeast ChIP - seq Analysis

Yeast CHIP - seq AnalysisChromatin Immunoprecipitation (ChIP), also known as binding site analysis, is a classical technique for studying protein - DNA interactions and is commonly applied to the study of transcription factor binding sites or histone modification sites. ChIP - Seq technology, which combines ChIP with next generation sequencing technology, can efficiently detect DNA segments that interact with histones, transcription factors, etc. on a genome - wide scale.

The principle of ChIP-Seq is relatively simple. Firstly, DNA fragments bound to target proteins are specifically enriched by chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP). Next, they are purified and libraries are constructed. Further, the enriched DNA fragments are subjected to high - throughput sequencing. Finally, the obtained millions of sequence tags are precisely localized to the genome. Researchers further study the genome - wide information of DNA segments that interact with histones, transcription factors, etc.

Service introduction

Creative BioMart offers a yeast ChIP - seq service that combines ChIP and high - throughput sequencing technologies to detect DNA loci bound to specific transcription factors or histones across the entire genome of yeast. Coupled with strong biochemical analysis capabilities, Creative BioMart provides not only massive amounts of sequencing data, but also targeted mining and refinement of useful results and publication-quality images based on your research objectives.

Experimental workflow

Experimental Workflow of Yeast CHIP - seq Analysis -Creative BioMart

Provided by clients

  • Yeast cell number ≥ 5 × 107
  • Yeast ≥ 200 mg (dry weight)
  • IP - enriched DNA ≥ 10 ng
  • Sample information sheet (the source, content, status and other basic information of the sample).
  • Sample transportation

The sample is placed in a 1.5 mL centrifuge tube, sealed with parafilm, and shipped on dry ice.

Delivery content

Creative BioMart will provide you with detailed technical reports including:

  • Experimental procedure
  • Bioinformatics analysis results
  • Display image of analysis results
  • Raw data

Project cycle

  • The operating cycle of the standard process is 45 working days.

Our advantages

  • One-stop service
  • Customers only need to provide yeast samples, and we will complete the entire service process of enrichment - library preparation – sequencing - data analysis for you.

  • Optimized ChIP process
  • ChIP enrichment efficiency is critical to the success or failure of ChIP - seq. We use commercial ChIP kits and optimized experimental procedures to ensure our customers get quality data.

  • Strict quality control
  • We perform strict quality control on each step of the ChIP - seq experiment to minimize the risk of the experiment.

  • Professional bioinformatics analysis
  • We have a professional bioinformatics analysis team to help customers conduct comprehensive mining of experimental data.

Service process

Service Process of Yeast CHIP - seq Analysis -CD BioScience

Why choose us?

With the advanced yeast center technology platform, Creative BioMart is committed to providing customers with a full range of yeast - related research service support and services. Please tell us your project requirements, and we will provide you with a full service from strategy design to final report. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.